Acrossraodsacross St .Patrick's Way, Dublin, California 2023 Inspired by Dublin’s geographic location as a crossroads in the San Francisco Bay Area, this artwork also brings in the notion of threes: community, connections, centers, individuals and duos and triangles form a stable geometry. Natural references to trifolium leaves and flowers and the way their leaves attach to stems are connective tissues that bring humans, structures and cities together.
Painted and perforated aluminum, steel, acrylic and LED lights 400 ft. x 10’ (wall); 3’ x 3’ x 3’ on 18’ poles (3 Sculptures) (133 panels from 5’ x 7’ tall, 11 columns, 12” diam x 8’ tall) Fabricators: A. Zahner Company, Dimensional Innovations
Avalon West Dublin GP, commissioner Public Art Consultant/Manager, Dorka Keehn Keehn on Art